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CANCELLED--Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2017

CANCELLED--Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2017

Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Event date: 7/10/2017 6:00 PM Export event


due to lack of a quorum


City of Clemson Planning Commission
Monday, July 10, 2017- 6:00 p.m.
1250 Tiger Blvd, Ste. 2
City Hall—Council Chambers

1. Call to Order

2. Public Session

3.  Adoption of Minutes: June 12, 2017

4. Advisory/Action Items

         a. 2017-R-06: Proposed text amendment to create a R-6 zoning designation to allow traditional single-family homes on 6000 square foot lots. The ordinance describes the standards of such lots as well as the eligibility requirements for a property to be rezoned.

          b. 2017-R-07: Proposed text amendment to establish a minimum width of 15-feet for commercial spaces in mixed-use buildings.

          c. 2017-R-08: Proposed text amendment to establish step backs for mixed-use and non-residential buildings in the CM District.

          d. 2017-R-09: Proposed text amendment requiring all developments to be broken up at a minimum of every 250’ to ensure that city blocks are an appropriate scale.

5. Discussion Item

           a. Discuss the rewrite process for the land development regulations.

           b. Discuss proposed subdivision off Hawthorn St.

           c. Discuss the idea of a moratorium.

6. Staff Reports

7. Adjourn


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