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City of Clemson Comprehensive Master Plan

City of Clemson Comprehensive Master Plan

"South Carolina state law requires that all jurisdictions engaged in local planning and land use regulation comply with the requirements of Title 6 Chapter 29 of the South Carolina Code of Laws (the South Carolina Comprehensive Enabling Act of 1994). One of the main requirements of this legislation is that each community adopts a comprehensive plan. This plan, although not in itself regulatory, serves as a roadmap for the city to use in decision making.  All comprehensive plans in the state must be updated no later than every 10 years, and be reviewed no later than   every 5 years. It should be noted that these deadlines are the maximum time limits, so plans can be reviewed and amended earlier if desired, but proposed change to a document is subject to all of the requirements established for the adoption of a complete plan. 

In 2004, the City of Clemson Comprehensive Plan 2014 was adopted. This plan was updated in 2009. In December of 2014, the City adopted a new Comprehensive Plan for 2014  - 2024. In December of 2019, Council approved an updated version of the Comprehensive Plan.

For a current copy of the Comprehensive Plan click here."

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