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RFP: Parking Deck Signage

RFP: Parking Deck Signage


Sealed proposals for Parking Deck Directional Signage Purchase and Installation will be received by the City of Clemson until 2:00pm Thursday, July 25, 2019 at which time they will be publically opened and read at Clemson City Hall Council Chamber located at 1250 Tiger Blvd. Clemson, SC 29631. 

Please mark sealed package: “Parking Deck Directional Signage” on the front of the package containing the proposal.  Proposals may be mailed or hand delivered to Andy Blondeau, Assistant City Administrator at 1250 Tiger Blvd. Suite 1.  Clemson, SC 29631.  Proposals sent by email or fax will not be considered.  The City of Clemson is not responsible for delays in the mail. 

The City of Clemson reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality in the proposal received, and to accept any proposal or part thereof, which it shall deem to be most favorable to the interests of the City. 

Project Overview:

The City of Clemson is seeking competitive sealed proposals from qualified and experienced providers capable of timely and cost-effective fabrication and installation of wayfinding signage to direct vehicular traffic to the Keith Street and Fendley Street Parking Decks.  The intent of the signs is to increase visibility and enhance awareness to the parking decks and encourage their use. 

Pre-Proposal Conference:

The City of Clemson will require each proposer to attend one of two pre-proposal meetings scheduled on July 9, 2019 and July 10, 2019.  Both meetings will take place at the Keith Street Parking Deck located at #1 Keith Street, Clemson, SC 29631 @ 11:00am.  It is only necessary to attend one of the two meetings.  All info provided at each meeting will be shared with attendees via addenda.  Please park in any available metered space in the parking deck.  Meter fees will be waived for meeting attendees. 

Click here to download the full RFP and project specifications.

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