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COVID-19 City of Clemson Municipal Court Update March 16, 2020

COVID-19 City of Clemson Municipal Court Update March 16, 2020

Trials and proceedings scheduled for this Wednesday, March 18th:
Instead of allowing people into the court, Judge Daniel will meet with individuals outside City Hall (the Court) explaining and giving them a continuance letter, while keeping safety precautions in mind.  

Trials and proceedings scheduled for March 23rd and April 1st
Rescheduled until further notice. Notification letters have been mailed to the address the Court has on record.  

Jury Trials for the week of March 23rd and April 6th
Rescheduled for June 2020. Notification letters have been mailed to the address the Court has on record.    

Bond Hearings will continue to be held at the Police Department.

Options to pay criminal, traffic and parking citations:

  1. Online at
  2. Phone at 864-653-2045 ext. 1
  3. Mail (Check or Money Order) to Clemson Municipal Court, 1250 Tiger Blvd STE 3, Clemson, SC 29631
  4. Depository Dropbox (Check or Money Order) Located at City Hall Municipal Court entrance 1250 Tiger Blvd STE 3, Clemson, SC 29631

For all other inquiries concerning the Municipal Court, Call 864-653-2045 ext. 3

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