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COVID-19 Update - Issued by University Relations

COVID-19 Update - Issued by University Relations

Clemson University officials continue to closely monitor COVID-19 and are actively engaged in daily planning in an effort to inform and reduce the risk to faculty, staff, students and visitors from the virus. As of today, March 20, at 4 p.m., the University can confirm the following: 


• No confirmed cases at any Clemson campus or facility. 

• Online instruction has been implemented following spring break, through the remainder of the semester. In addition, no programs, events or activities will be held through May 8. 

• All students, faculty and staff returning from international travel must contact University health services (864-656-2457) to undergo thorough medical screening. 


As previously announced, on Monday Clemson University will move fully to online instruction for all classes at all campuses for the remainder of the spring semester. Provost Jones sent a correspondence to undergraduate faculty and students outlining academic resources, and you can find all of those tools on our COVID-19 website


We know this is a tremendous shift for many of our students and faculty, and there may be complications along the way, and appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during these unusual circumstances. 


We are urging students who do not need to return to the area or to campus to stay away while campus is operating in online instruction mode. 



As President Clements announced yesterday, the general closure of our residence halls announced this week has been extended through the end of the semester. On-campus housing will remain available only to those students who have previously been granted permission to stay due to an extenuating circumstance. Our Residential Life team is working on a plan to allow all others to return to campus to gather their belongings in a manner consistent with good public health practices. That information will be communicated in the coming days. 


We are working with the state’s Commission on Higher Education on a plan to address students’ investments in housing and dining services. Details will be communicated as soon as they are available. 


All Clemson events, activities and gatherings are suspended at least through the end of the academic semester, May 8.  



Clemson University is working to assess how many students, faculty and staff in the local area may be in need of temporary assistance with food during the closure of campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


The university is seeking to assist its hourly wage employees who are unable to report to work, as well as students who do not live on campus and either cannot go home or do not have a meal plan.  


If you are in need of food assistance, please click here to take a short survey about your needs. The survey will help us learn whether you have food needs and determine possible solutions. 



For the past two weeks, our team has provided daily updates via email. As we move into modified operations beginning next week, we will cease sending daily updates and only communicate with the full campus community on an as-necessary basis. Communications to specific audiences will continue, including tools and resources for those conducting online learning and the business operations of the University. We appreciate everyone’s attention during this period of uncertainty and wish everyone health and safety as we conclude the semester online.


Issued by University Relations

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