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Clemson University Student Leaders Introduce Community Pledge in Face of Unique Year

Clemson University Student Leaders Introduce Community Pledge in Face of Unique Year

Behind the efforts of leaders within student government, Clemson University established a community pledge for the 2020-21 academic year. Faculty, staff and members of the Clemson community are encouraged to visit to join these students and University leaders in the pledge. Those who sign the pledge will remain anonymous.

Click here to view the full article on Clemson University's website.

As a member of the Clemson Family and local community, I pledge to be present and engaged in making our core values of honesty, integrity and respect, part of who I am and how I treat others.

It is up to me to lead through my actions and demonstrate how Clemson is an inclusive community, welcoming to all, and that we embrace and encourage our diversity in ways that bring us all to a higher level of compassion and care for each other.

I also pledge to be socially responsible, set the example for following health and safety guidelines by being aware of my physical distancing and wearing a face covering around others, as this is at the foundation of what I can do to keep my community healthy and strong.

I Pledge to be a Clemson Tiger from Clemson University on Vimeo.

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