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Covid Update: August 4, 2021

Covid Update: August 4, 2021

As of July 27th, 2021, the CDC released new guidelines for fully vaccinated individuals given new evidence on the circulation of the Delta variant within the United States. The CDC recommends that all individuals, even those who are fully vaccinated, wear a mask indoors in public in areas of substantial or high transmission. (Click here to view the CDC's full list of guidelines for fully vaccinated individuals.)

As of Friday, July 30th, 2021, Pickens County has a high rate of transmission of Covid. Community Transmission levels can be tracked on the CDC website here

At the Monday, August 2nd City Council meeting, Council members opted not to mandate masks at this time but strongly encourage that citizens, even those fully vaccinated, wear masks when indoors and in public.

Beginning August 5th, 2021, masks will be required to enter all City buildings. 

CATbus will continue to follow federal guidelines requiring masks on buses. 

Community Testing

Council also reminds the public of the free testing that is still occuring at Nettles Park for those who have symptoms, have been exposed, or want to monitor via regular testing.


Council also strongly encourages all citizens who have not yet been vaccinated to do so if they are able. Clemson is still running the Community Vaccination Clinic at the Clemson United Methodist Church. Click here for more information and to register. 

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