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City News and Events

Final Chance to Complete the DE&I Survey

Final Chance to Complete the DE&I Survey


The City of Clemson has been spearheading a vital initiative focused on learning more about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) within the community. As part of this collaborative effort, we are excited to engage with community members to gather valuable insights and feedback. We are extending the deadline one final time to make sure everyone who wants to participate is able to do so. This survey will close FOR GOOD on February 25th at 11:59pm.

By taking this survey, you will help us gain a comprehensive understanding of strengths and areas of improvement to shape a more inclusive and supportive environment for all. So even if you don’t think you have something to say, or maybe even if you aren’t sure why we’re doing this at all, we want to hear your thoughts too!

Please note that this is an optional survey, and all responses will be kept anonymous and strictly confidential. The survey is intended to gather a wide range of perspectives from Clemson community members and insights gathered from this survey will not be directly quoted or attributed to any particular individuals.

Complete the survey at

For more information about this study:

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