**This Solicitation has been cancelled at this time**
The City of Clemson is seeking the professional services of a qualified contractor, or team of contractors to provide construction services for phase construction of Clemson Park . The contractor(s) will be
responsible for the construction of the final plans prepared by Russell Design Office, Hanbury & Britt Peters and Associates (Attachment A). The selected contractor is expected to provide construction activities following plans and specifications, construction management, topographical as-builts, necessary permit acquisition, shop drawings for review, and time tables for construction scheduling. Please see Section III of the solicitation documents for full scope of work.
Sealed proposals will be accepted by the Clemson Finance Department located at Clemson City Hall until 3:00 PM December 20, 2024. Submissions that are hand delivered must be received and initialed by the Finance Department. Submissions that are mailed in should be sent to City of Clemson Finance Department 1250 Tiger Blvd, Suite 2. At the time and date above, sealed bids will be publicly opened and the names read aloud at the City of Clemson engineering conference room located at 1250 Tiger Blvd Suite 5, Clemson SC 29631. Proposals received after this time will not be accepted.
Each sealed envelope must be marked on the outside as “2024 Clemson Park Construction, RFP 2024-11-004” and should include the respondent’s name and address.
Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Mr. Brandon Burton, Procurement Coordinator via email at bburton@cityofclemson.org and shall be received no later than 5:00 PM, December 16, 2024.
There will be a mandatory pre-proposal meeting held on site for all interested parties:
Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 at 2:00 PM or Monday, December 16th, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Pre-Proposal Meetings will be located in Clemson Park, 114 Clemson Park Rd., Clemson SC 29631 under the existing park structure.
Contract documents, including drawings and technical specifications are on file at City of Clemson City Hall, 1250 Tiger Blvd, Clemson SC 29631.
Download the full bid specifications
Drawings and Plans
Addendum 1
Pre-Proposal Sign In (12/11)
Pre-Proposal Sign In (12/16)
Addendum 2