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Planning Commission Meeting August 14, 2017

Planning Commission Meeting August 14, 2017

Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Event date: 8/14/2017 6:00 PM Export event

City of Clemson Planning Commission
Monday, August 14, 2017- 6:00 p.m.
1250 Tiger Blvd, Ste. 2
City Hall—Council Chambers


1.  Call to Order

2.  Public Session

3.  Adoption of Minutes:  June 12, 2017

4.  Advisory/Action Items

     a.  2017-R-07: Proposed text amendment to establish a minimum width of 15-feet for commercial spaces in mixed-use buildings.

     b.  2017-R-08: Proposed text amendment to establish step backs for mixed-use and non-residential buildings in the CM District.

     c.  2017-R-09: Proposed text amendment requiring all developments to be broken up at a minimum of every 250’ to ensure that city blocks are an appropriate scale.

     d.  2017-R-10: Proposed major amendment to Patrick Square PD to reduce the amount of commercial space by 50,000 square feet and increase the amount of assisted living units.

     e.  2017-R-11: Proposed major amendment to the Grandmarc PD to address the inclusion of a fitness center amenity, the inclusion of a possible commercial fitness center, a minor adjustment of some apartment/tenant numbers to reflect the current site plan, and modifications to allow the same commercial uses permitted under the CM zoning designation in the Zoning Ordinance.

     f.  2017-S-44: Proposed subdivision of three parcels of land (4054-15-54-2811, 4054-15-54-2895, 4054-15-54-0765) located on Hawthorne Street into 7-parcels to developed as single-family homes.

     g.  2017-R-12: Proposed text amendment to increase the minimum setback in the CM District from the current setback of 8’-10’ to a minimum of 20’.

     h.  2017-R-13: Proposed text amendment to establish design standards for multi-family projects located outside of the Architectural Review Districts.

5.  Discussion Items

     a.  Set a workshop date to discuss the rewrite of the land development regulations.

     b.  Set a workshop date for proposed text amendment to create a R-6 zoning designation to allow traditional single-family homes on 6000 square foot lots. The ordinance describes the standards of such lots as well as the eligibility requirements in order for a property to be rezoned.

     c.  Discuss the idea of a moratorium.

     d.  Roberts Rules of Order. Use mics.

     e.  Discuss the idea of putting a cap on the length of meetings

6.  Staff Reports

7.  Adjourn

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