In 2021 the City of Clemson received 8.7 million dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and City Council voted to use 7.2 million dollars of the funds to repair and replace water distribution, wastewater collection, and storm drain lines in six focus areas around the City. The waterline improvements are being done primarily to address water quality concerns due to aging pipes and they are being replaced with new and safer materials. Wastewater improvements will include the replacement and/or lining of the pipes and manholes throughout the City, primarily to prevent the leakage of wastewater out of the system and infiltration of rainfall into the system. Storm drain improvements will consist of replacement of old pipes and catch basins to ensure adequate flow and decrease flooding potential. None of the work being performed will affect your utility billing.
For more information regarding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) please visit the following link: https://www.whitehouse.gov/american-rescue-plan/.

Below is a link to an interactive web map that shows the approximate locations and types of utility work being performed. This map is meant to serve as a guideline for public expectations and is, of course, subject to changes in construction techniques and updates.

Communication to the residents being affected by the proposed work is one of the City’s top priorities with this project. In order to ensure everyone is well informed, there will be at least three methods of communication used to reach the affected residents. First, approximately one month out from the beginning of construction, the affected residents will receive a letter detailing the planned work and the date of a public meeting to discuss the project. Then about two weeks before the scheduled public meeting, Utilities employees will be going around the focus area to distribute information pamphlets and verbally inform the residents. Third, a public meeting will be held approximately one week before construction begins in each focus area. The dates and times of the meetings will be communicated through the letter and pamphlets, as well as sent out via City email. As the project progresses in each focus area, updates will be communicated through City email on the ARPA Project webpage.

Please be advised that the timeline for the project is subject to various factors, including but not limited to weather conditions, unforeseen circumstances, and logistical considerations. While every effort will be made to adhere to the proposed schedule, it is important to note that there might be potential changes or delays.
Rest assured, we are dedicated to doing our utmost to meet the project deadlines and will work diligently to mitigate any potential delays. Your understanding and cooperation during any possible adjustments to the timeline are greatly appreciated.
Contact Information:
Nathan Hinkle P.E., 864-624-1126
Benjie McGill, 864-653-2046
Dustin Hayes, 864-653-2046
Ethan Barnette, 864-653-2046