The City of Clemson is expected to be designated by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (S.C. DHEC), as an MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) agency.
Operators of large, medium, and regulated small municipal separate storm sewer systems or MS4s are required to obtain NPDES permit coverage in order to discharge pollutants into Waters of the State. These designations (large, medium, and small) are based on urbanized areas as determined by the latest census.
To Contact the Stormwater Department:
Ethan Barnette
Pet waste can contain harmful organisms such as salmonella, e. Coli, roundworms, and hookworms which can be passed to other pets and humans. Pet waste also adds nitrogen to the stormwater runoff, which then removes oxygen in the streams for beneficial underwater grasses and fish. Not to mention, no one likes to step in pet waste. So, while taking your pet on Summer outings, bring a plastic bag – or two – and pick up after your dog does its business. Then dispose of that bag in a trash can or a proper pet waste station.
The Stormwater Department is also doing its part to encourage proper pet waste disposal and has implemented a Pet Waste Program for others interested in doing more in their neighborhoods.
Your Responsibilities:
- Become the primary contact for the Stormwater department;
- Agree to install the re-supply bag dispenser and waste bag;
- Agree to responsibly transport and timely dispose of all pet waste; and,
- Let the Stormwater manager know – in a timely manner – when you need a supply refill.
Stormwater Department Responsibilities:
- The Stormwater manager will meet with the primary contact to help choose a location;
- The pet waste station and the first bag dispenser and waste bag will be installed by Stormwater staff; and
- Stormwater staff will deliver supply refills so primary contact can maintain the waste station.
If you’re interested in participating in the program, download and complete the Pet Waste Station Sponsor Agreement, then email it to the Stormwater manager at ebarnette@cityofclemson.org.
The purpose of the SMS4 Notice of Intent (NOI) is for an owner / operator of a Regulated Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, located partly or wholly in the State of South Carolina, to seek authorization to discharge stormwater runoff under SC Phase II NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Regulated Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, SCR030000.
Click Here for full SMS4 Permit NOI (notice of intent)