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Utility Billing Administration 

Mission Statement:
The Department of Utility Billing is committed to providing leadership and direction to ensure that approximately 6,500 utility customers are billed monthly in an efficient and equitable manner.


  • Establish New Utility Services
  • Termination of Utility Services
  • Payment of Utility Services
  • Utility Adjustment Request Form
  • Utility Rate Schedule
  • FAQs


Utility Services

The City of Clemson Offers Two Ways to Apply for New Utility Services:

1- Mail-In / Drop-off Application:

Download and Complete the Mail-In Application. Mail the completed service agreement, a check or money order for the security deposit (Residential owner $75, Residential renter $200, and Commercial deposit based on meter size, please call 864-653-2035)  and account iniation fee ($30), and a photocopy of your government issued ID (example: driver's license or passport).

Application materials should be mailed to:
City of Clemson Billing Administration
1250 Tiger Blvd Ste 6
Clemson, South Carolina 29631-2661

Application drop-off at Utility Billing Depository:
Include a check or money order for the security deposit (Residential owner $75, Residential renter $200, and Commercial deposit based on meter size, please call 864-653-2035)  and account iniation fee ($30), and a photocopy of your government issued ID (example: driver's license or passport).

2- Applying in person:  

 Utility Billing office location: 1250 Tiger Blvd STE 6, Clemson, SC 29631.  Bring a check, cash, credit card or money order for the security deposit (Residential owner $75, Residential renter $200, and Commercial deposit based on meter size, please call 864-653-2035)  and account iniation fee ($30), and your government issued ID (example: driver's license or passport).

3- Online:  

Sign up for a new connection through the online payment portal. Registration through the online portal is required before you can request new service. Security deposit is due at the time of service request. The account iniation fee is billed on your first billing statement. 

Termination of  Utility Service 

Termination of existing utility services can be done one of four ways:

1) Through your online utility account, click disconnect service after you log in.

2)  In person at 1250 Tiger Blvd Ste 6.

3)  Over the phone at (864) 653-2082. 

4)  Fill out the Termination of Utility Services form below

**We do not accept requests by email or fax.

When terminating services, you will be asked to verify your name, service address, and social security number. Please allow 3 business days notice when requesting termination. 

**When your Utility Services are disconnected, your security deposit will be applied to the account.  If you are owed a refund, make sure we have your forwarding address because we will mail you a check in 4 to 5 weeks. **

Payment of  Utility Service 

All credit/debit card payments made to the city will be assessed a processing fee by the credit card company.  The City of Clemson does not receive any of these fees. The City accepts American Express, Discover, Visa, and Mastercard.

The City of Clemson offers six ways for you to pay your bill:

1.   Online Utility Bill PayEither create an online account or utilize the quick pay option.  You will need your account number and last payment amount to access either payment method.

2. Enroll in Automatic Bill Pay: Enroll in auto pay through your online account.  This requires a credit card and will incur the credit card processing fee each time a payment is made.  

3.  Bank draft (HOMEOWNERS ONLY): to submit a request for automatic bank draft, click here to download the bank draft form.  Please attach a voided check with the corresponding routing and bank account numbers.  Forms may be submitted to the billing department by mail or hand delivery to 1250 Tiger Blvd STE 6, Clemson, SC 29631.

4. Pay-by-phone: call 855-713-4264, and have your account number ready. (Credit card processing fee and $1.37 transaction fee apply)

5.  In person at Utility Billling payment counter during business hours or drop off your payment at the Utility depository box (outside the Utility Billing entrance, Utility Billing, 1250 Tiger Blvd STE 6, Clemson, SC 29631)

6.  By mail (Utility Billing, 1250 Tiger Blvd STE 6, Clemson, SC 29631-2661) 

IMPORTANT! Please be aware that third party bill pay sites are NOT in any way affiliated with the City of Clemson. Payments made through these sites are not guaranteed; they may not arrive on time, may not be applied to the account properly, and could result in late fees or disconnections. The City of Clemson would like to advise customers paying online to use only our website, linked above, for payments to us.

Utility Bill Adjustment Request

Click here to download the Utility Bill Adjustment Request Form

If a customer experiences a water leak from a broken water pipe that results in a dramatic increase in a customer’s bill, the City may consider an adjustment based upon such a request by the customer. Proof of the leak is required, such as a plumber’s statement, inspection by a City official, and/or other necessary documentation to substantiate the problem. The highest consumption in the period the leak occurred will be used as consideration for an adjustment, provided the customer takes immediate action to correct the problem. No more than two consecutive billing periods will be used for the adjustment calculations. Leaking or broken appliances and plumbing fixtures and/or carelessness of leaving water running through a spigot or valve are not considered grounds for an adjustment. Only the wastewater portion shall be reduced to the average of the wastewater bill. Leaks where adjustments are less than $10.00 are not considered a dramatic increase in a customer’s bill and therefore will not be considered for an adjustment. Adjustment requests must  be submitted within 30 days of billing date when the leak occurred. It is still the customer’s responsibility to ensure their bill is paid by the due date. "In process" leaks, repairs, and/or adjustments will not prevent customers from receiving a late charge and/or disconnection for nonpayment of their utility bill.  All decisions for adjustments are strictly at the City’s discretion and are considered final.

*Give a detailed description of the leak. Additionally, plumber’s statements, invoices, or receipts must be attached and indicate where the leak was located, detailed description of work performed, service address, date of service call, and date leak was repaired. Incomplete forms with no details will not be considered for adjustments. You may use the back of the form if needed. 

Utility Rate Schedule

The Utility Rate Schedule has changed effective July 1, 2024.  Click Here to download Utility Rates for FY 24-25.

2024-25 Utility Rates - Click to download     2024-25 Utility Rates - Click to Download


Can I receive an adjustment on the sewer portion of my utility bill if I am filling my pool? 
Please come by City Hall at 1250 Tiger Blvd Ste 6, Clemson SC to pick up an adjustment form. This form will need to be filled out and submitted in order to be considered for an adjustment. Also, please document the dates of filling, plus a before and after read on the meter.  

How long do I have after my bill is mailed out before I receive a late fee or disconnection of service?
Payment in full is due within 15 calendar days from the date of the bill. After this date, the account is considered delinquent and a 10% late charge is added.

Past due accounts are subject to service disconnection 21 calendar days from the mail date printed on the utility bill.

How do I sign up for e-billing?
Please sign in to your online utility account, click Communications tab on the left side of the screen, and follow directions for e-billing.

How do I terminate/disconnect my utility services?
In order to terminate your existing utility services, we have a form on the Termination of Utility Services tab to request a disconnection of services, or you can sign in to your account online and request a disconnection. You can also call customer service at (864) 653-2082 or come in. When terminating services, you will be asked to verify your name, service address, and social security number. Please allow 3 business days’ notice when requesting termination.

If I have a leak, can I get an adjustment for my bill?
Proof of the leak is required, such as a plumber’s statement, inspection by a City official, and/or other necessary documentation to substantiate the problem. The highest consumption in the period the leak occurred will be used as consideration for an adjustment, provided the customer takes immediate action to correct the problem. No more than two consecutive billing periods will be used for adjustment calculations. Leaking or broken appliances and plumbing fixtures and/or carelessness of leaving water running through a spigot or valve are not considered grounds for an adjustment. You may come by City Hall to pick up the adjustment form and submit it to be considered for an adjustment. This form must be filled out and the required supporting information should be attached. You should allow 7 business days after the form is submitted for the determination of an adjustment. It is still the customer's responsibility to ensure their bill is paid by the due date. "In process" leaks, repairs and/or adjustments will not prevent customers from receiving a late charge or disconnection for nonpayment of their utility bill.  

What is this DHEC charge on my bill?
In 1993, the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) began charging the City an annual fee for water testing. This fee is based on the number of water meters in use. The City passes the fee through to its customers as an annual surcharge on the customer’s utility bill.

Utility Billing Administration
1250 Tiger Blvd. STE 6
Clemson, SC 29631

Phone:  (864) 653-2035
Fax:  (864) 653-2087