Reporting Problems
STOP Signs will be replaced within 2 hours during normal working hours (7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday). After hours they will be replaced by the employee on call, as soon as possible. To report a stop sign down, call Public Works during working hours at (864) 653-2053. After hours, call the Police Department at (864) 624-2000.
OTHER STREET Signs - Report all street sign repair to the Public Works Department during working hours (864) 653-2053.
POTHOLE Repair - Report all potholes to the Public Works Department (864) 653-2053.
RIGHT-OF-WAY Maintenance - Report any problems of mowing and pruning of limbs overhanging the street to the Public Works Department (864)653-2053.
DRAINAGE - Report any problems to the Stormwater Department: (864) 653-2046 or stormwater@cityofclemson.org.
You may also email your work orders in to the below email addresses if you prefer:
Work Orders - Reporting a work order
Report Outages to Duke Energy:
Street light outages, power outages, downed trees, or trees on a power lines should be reported to Duke Energy at Outages - Duke Energy. You can also check the status of reported outages.
AT&T Repair
If you notice cable lines that are unburied, exposed, or otherwise in need of repair, visit AT&T's website to report the repair.
Traffic Calming Request Process -
City Council approved guidelines for requesting speed humps in August, 2019. Details of this process can be located in the Traffic Calming Request Process document.