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Clemson Community Vaccination Clinic

Clemson Community Vaccination Clinic

Dear Clemson Community,


We are excited to announce the launch of the Clemson Community Vaccination Clinic to help end your risk to COVID-19 and usher our community back to its thriving best!


Local area physicians, nurses, pharmacists and city leaders are partnering together to make this dream a reality. We will be giving 1st dose Moderna vaccines. Anyone age 18 and up is currently eligible for the Moderna vaccine.


Swann/Tolbert Medicine Office at 379 Old Greenville Hwy Suite 103


We prefer that most people schedule their appointments online through the registration link. However, we also have a direct number to simply call to be registered (864-900-0673) for those that need a helping hand.


There is both an online registration questionnaire to complete AND a form to be printed and completed prior to arrival at the vaccination clinic. The link to this form can be found in the registration link. Bring your completed form to the clinic.


It is the hope of all the clinic volunteers that our fast and easy clinic with friendly and familiar faces will help many people who are open to being vaccinated but have yet to begin that process. Please help spread the word by sharing this information!


If you are interested in volunteering as part of our clinical or non-clinical team we may be in need.


If you are a local business leader we are happy to help make it easy to vaccinate your interested co-workers.


Volunteer interest and additional inquiries can be sent to


Thank you for your support and many thanks to the volunteers assembling to bring this to a reality.

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