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RFP: Uptown District Development (DEADLINE EXTENDED)

RFP: Uptown District Development (DEADLINE EXTENDED)

Event date: 10/14/2022 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Export event

Click here to download the full bid specs

Click here to download Appendix A: Map of Project Area

Click here to download Appendix B: Uptown Framework Book. 


The City of Clemson (the “City”) is soliciting Development Proposals from qualified real estate development organizations for an area identified as the Uptown District west of College (the “Project Area”). Located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Tiger Boulevard and College Avenue, the Project Area contains approximately 16.5 acres of land (see Appendix A).

As stated in the 2020 ClemsonNext Strategic Plan for Development (“Strategic Plan”), a primary goal of redevelopment for the Project Area is to create a vibrant destination for the entire community, creating a gateway to Downtown Clemson, and reinforcing the storefront environment along College Avenue while enhancing lake access. Development at the Project Area should create inviting public space, including expansions to Abernathy Park that establish it as a focal point of activity in the City.

In 2021 and 2022, the City of Clemson embarked on UptownNext, a process to establish a development framework for this district. The attached Framework Book (see Appendix B) illustrates components of a development vision, highlighting priority community benefits while also incorporating elements needed for an economically viable development. Uptown is one of few remaining areas near Clemson’s core which can accommodate significant development of any kind. While development pressure has been strongest for student‐oriented housing, the City seeks to leverage this market to advance development that meets the needs of the entire community. As shown in the Framework Book, development in the Project Area will include a mix of student‐oriented housing, non‐student‐oriented uses, and signature open spaces that create a destination for a broad diversity of Clemson residents and visitors.

The City will consider redevelopment proposals from qualified developers interested in accomplishing the redevelopment pursuant to the objectives and strategy outlined in this RFP. Proposals for development of superior quality, which significantly accomplish priority community benefits while minimizing student housing, will receive priority consideration.

9 sealed hard copies of each proposal must be submitted no later than October 14, 2022 to the office of the City Administrator at:
Administration Department
1250 Tiger Blvd. STE 1
Clemson, SC 29631

The City may request an electronic copy of each proposal as necessary.

The issuance of this RFP has been authorized by the City of Clemson. Any agreements with successful proponents will be subject to consideration by the City Administrator and approval by the Clemson City Council.

Interested parties may contact Andy Blondeau, City Administrator, for further information regarding this RFP. All correspondence should be sent via e‐mail to and received no later than September 16, 2022.

Click here to download the full bid specs

Click here to download Appendix A: Map of Project Area

Click here to download Appendix B: Uptown Framework Book. 

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