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Duke Energy Outage Update October 29, 2020 - as of 11am

City of Clemson 0 2782

As of 10:45am, outages seem to have leveled out and are included in the full article. Additional outages may still occur due to saturated soil and weakened tree roots.

 Read about how Duke Energy restores power outages here:

Note that priority is given to hospitals, nursing homes, water providers and wastewater facilities when it comes to restoration. You can help by staying off the roads in order that crews may respond more efficiently.

Duke Energy Outage Update October 29, 2020 - as of 8:45am

City of Clemson 0 2734

Outage numbers have increased dramatically. Be aware that response will not begin until it is safe for crews to be out in the weather. Large trucks are prohibited from being on the road when wind gusts exceed 39mph, and buckets are unsafe to operate in wind gusts exceeding 30mph. Be prepared to wait until after the storm passes to start seeing responders in the area.

Also, remember to treat all lines as if they are energized!

Clemson University SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater Monitoring Record Updates as of October 19th

City of Clemson 0 2868

Results for the 10/12/20 wastewater samples are attached.  The campus is trending downward over the last several samples while Cochran Rd bounced back up (3.6 million copies per liter).  There may be an interesting dynamic with how often infected students living off campus are traveling to the campus, for classes and other purposes.  Regardless, when you look at the two sewersheds, the results remain elevated. There is no data for Pendleton/Clemson on 10/12/20 because they had a problem with the sampling equipment. 
